Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hello, world!

This is our obligatory "hello world" first post.


  1. I like the new blog! :D

  2. hello :D
    will all the youtube channels be like this :D

  3. I like secrets. Do you have to be a partner to play with the secret new channel thingy?

  4. umm, i dont like the new channel layout at all, too confusing

  5. Can you put the date of when the videos were updated in the grid view on the channels as it makes it much easier to find certain videos or just possible to keep track of your progress when watching the vlogbrothers =]

  6. tat looks awsome! a bunch of my friends have it!

  7. I like the new layout! All of my friends like it too! They want to have theirs like mine.

  8. I think you're updating your website a little too much. This is probably the worst update yet. Please restore the old channel layout.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The beta looks terribly messy, and personally, it looks rather...revolting. The old channel layout is a LOT better than the beta...YouTube shouldn't be changing so fast. I don't want my channel looking like something like that. That layout makes YouTube complicated,and that ISN'T a good thing.

  11. I want to be able to see my subscriber count at the top of my page, not have to scroll down to the bottom to see it.

  12. how can i have my channel in beta?????????

  13. the new profiles look kewl
    my friends and i like em

  14. there should be the transparency thing, then it would be all great

  15. :D
    I have an Idea. what if you guys have a little switch that you can either view the channels in the New way or the classic way ? like somewhere you press that. and there. you can have both as a extra. that will be good. so tell me what you guys think ? it's a good idea if you want both if that's even possible. Thanks

  16. How Do You Get The Channel Update I Want It So Badly

  17. I like the update but its a little hard to read comments under video, if its possible could i receive this update at my status?

  18. hey youtube people
    i love the new channel
    the only thing that i have a problem with is the way you look at the uploaded videos
    you should change it from being on the side


  20. Oh. My. God. I completly HATE the layout.

  21. i would like to try it. youtube.com/pokemonfanman1

  22. arrrrrrrrr!!! i cant change my main video on my channel ... its stuck on an old one and i want to show my new one =[

  23. you should let people choose a background instead of solid colors

  24. There is no URL FEATURE on the main channel page beta version so that you can change the video which is been displayed via URL

    the original utube was settings are >account>>edit channel>>channel design>>paste URL of video to be displayed on main channel page<

    Pls correct this asap

  25. I don't really like the new channels

  26. this is very beautifull
    like blog
    i love you team

  27. this is awesome!!! can anyone have this, like me? :D

  28. Sorry but i just dont like it


    (SEE ABOVE!)

  30. heyyy i wanna do that to my channnel but i dont know how to. Can you help me with my problem. I love the new channel and i really wanna do it, please help and leave or send me a comment or message. (that has the insructions to do it. thanks so so much!!!


  32. >:( >:( >:(
    I WANT OLD 1 BAK!!

  33. this is cool i wish u can see the comments on videos though


  35. hey :]
    i think it would be really cool if there would be music on the page like my space ,it would also be nice to have those bulliten thing back , i would love that , and i'd also like a easier way to get subscribers :]

  36. but in my opinion the old youtube was better :[

  37. Sorry but as much as I like change I do not think this could be the one... I think the old channels are amazing as they are but a new look would be cool but I don't think this new channel layout is the one... By the way to all people simply posting on here "This new channel SUX!" ... Have some damn manners people!

  38. Oh and one more thing... What were the bulletins for and why do so many people want them back? All I saw in my bulletins when they were around were a lot of spam lol.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. this is so cool:)!!!but my nintendo wii loads SLOWER:(

  41. hey i like thi stype of channel my friend calisweetie604 linh has it i would like to know how do i et my channel like that?

  42. Uhhh, i'm too lazy to find out how, can som1 tell me how to get this beta channel?

  43. Hope to have the transparency feature back. I would like to see my backgrounds, and I'm sure lots of other people would too. =] It looks cool so far. I don't understand why people want bulletins back up, all I saw was dumb chain letter. haha

    And one more thing, is it possible for your team to take out the verification codes? Those get pretty annoying.

  44. will partners still have banners and such?

  45. Hey I LOVE THE PROFILE !! How du you use it thoe ??

  46. i love the new beta channels use them!!!

  47. I Think The channel is great except the comments box. it should be extended like the old one because it is hard to scroll down it.

  48. could i have a beta channel for youtube.

  49. i really dont like this change it should either be an option (like view it new way or old way)and i dont like that the vids arent clearly viewable and that it doesent bring you right to your vid when you click the links its gonna make u-tube complicated wich will be a very bad thing for a lot of people i suggest keeping suddle things like the new subscribe boc and stuff but not changing it so drasticly sorry my other comment was an accident

  50. the new layout is somewhat good.i have a question though.is it just me or is it that you cant search anything in the search bar when you are on ur channel?cuz to me,it just leads me back to my own page or the youtube main page

  51. Dude,this is stupid,what right do you have to go on people's youtube channel's and hack it where they have shitty lay outs,with about a billion bugs on it.If you don't stop,then im gonna report...maybe,if you can do my account.Its downloadtheweb...so yeah....

  52. hey, the new youtube version is great! the thing i like the most about it is that u can view other videos on ur own channel. and for those of u who are wondering how to do this go to youtube.com/super_seekrit. and there u can get ur own 2.0 BETA version

  53. I think it is cool! Still like the old way on how you upload different backgrounds but i like the new way.

    I am definitely going to use and stick with the beta version and recommend it to anyone.

    I know a lot of my friend don't like it because they like having a custom back ground with there own pictures and stuff so they don't want the beta versions but other then that it is fine!

  54. TechyTeen ©


  55. To find out how to get the new layout, go to youtube.com/superseekrit1

  56. i cant get my background to stay, it was fine for about the first week but now i cant get it save it... please help... my youtube name is chickenmancp

  57. I like it but there needs to be more custom options and a subscribe button at all times but other then that it looks cool

  58. I hate it.

    Its less attractive, and it takes longer to load. I like the simple form much better.

  59. im just asking but how do i make my account beta its really cool

  60. i Like the layout but the only thing that i dislike is that when i post a picture for my background, it doesnt show when people view my channel :[

  61. how do i make my channel like the new ones?

  62. I love the new channel, the ability to view your videos as well as a professional looking sidebar with other videos to select, the layout is awesome!

  63. please select my channel as one of ur favorites, check it out i think its really cool. but i would like to know how to make one of ur videos the really big video at the top of ur page on the 2.0 version

  64. I "sorta" like it, but there's a few problems I have with it:

    *I should be able to arrange the order, location, and size of every module please.

    *The Videos section at the top should be more customizable, like by default what sections (playlists, uploads, favorites etc.) appear to the right and in what order when in "All" mode; an option to choose which mode is the default would be nice too.

    Thats all I an think of at the moment.

  65. I would like to know why my channel page wont show its picture that I chose, the old one did & this one didn't. Also will there one day be a link to all the vids so you can comment on them or watch them in the thing that lets you view comments & rate them? It doesn't have that right now so that would just mean people are watching my vids & not commenting which I wouldn't like. thank-you

  66. Also it says that one of my vids are 4/5 stars when on the old one it says that it is 5/5 stars

  67. Hello, I like youtube channels 2.0 beta! I can't wait to find out how to upgrade my channel! :)

  68. Uh, not to be picky, but it is IMPOSSIBLE TO POST A COMMENT to your newest entry, because the comment box is squashed to half its size to the left, so when the word verification comes up, you can't see the whole word to type, (at least in IE), making it literally IMPOSSIBLE to comment. Good lord people.

  69. Well since it is impossible to comment on any blogs posts other than this one because you have the comment box/word verification box cut off, I'll comment here. It seems you gusy ignore that most people think the design is ugly and want to keep it the way it is. Let me guess, you put on a smiley face and say "Well give it a chance buddy ;) We are sure you will get used to it!", why dont you just say "OK look, you have no freaking choice, we don't give a rat's ass what you all think, we do what we want, we just pretend to be doing what you want, like when we took bulletins away then claimed that "the people wanted it", most of you suckers bought that load of crap, too :)".

  70. Can someone explain WHY anyone feels the "need" to change the look of YouTube Channels, when I know of at least 500 complaints from the bulk of users about YouTube, the Channel look IS NOT ONE of them.
    I mean seriously.
    As a matter of fact, the Channel "look" is one of the most LIKED features of YouTube, and what makes a YouTube channel unique as compared to EVERY OTHER online profile on various other services.

    The new design is horrible. It looks formal and like a MySpace or twitter emulation, that's just pathetic.

    How about improving function, how about fixing profile comments after you broke them by changing the way that all worked, making it impossible to access comments more than 100 pages back.

    Everytime you guys "fix" something (that no one asked for) you break other things (that people want). At least give each person the option to keep it the same. (Which I know you won't, you guys FORCE FEED these changes down our throats, eventually. You just try to coat it with sugar, and little winks and smileys).

    Flexbility and letting each user decide what they want, thats the key. Don't FORCE this like you people forced the removal of bulletins, then had the gall to claim that the YouTube Users "wanted" bulletins removed. SURE they did.

    YouTube insults its users intelligenceenough as it is, besides treating them poorly overall.

  71. I thinks is cool viewing uploaded videos and favourites in the same window really saves time and processing power

  72. I don't like the new channel layout, to be quite honest. It's too busy. My eyeballs are going everywhere at once. Some of the customization features sound wonderful, but I don't know if it's worth it.

    That being said, I think the numerous "u suk it looks like @#$%" comments are uncalled for...I suppose manners are now optional on the web. :(

  73. how the hell do i get my channel to be new!! nobody is answering this question, but tell me or make my channel tht

  74. Hello! Can you add me to your lists of favorite new channel designs? I changed my channel to the beta. The url is http://www.youtube.com/xtrasmall101

  75. i love it everyone stop complaining! just give it a chance! i think the new channel is really cool its easier aswell also it looks much better than the old basic page

  76. I just don't like it, it doesn't have a good system for seeing videos.

  77. i like it.....but you can barley see any of my videos that ive uploaded........youtube.com/crazystuff777

  78. there still has to be banners!!!! im not a partner but there has to be banners other than that it looks sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. im confused!!

    how do u make a yourtube page wit a 2.0???


  80. I think it looks really messy. Its sooooo confusing.

  81. HI i would love to have a channel like this PLEASE!!!!

  82. I would recommend having like a YoutubeChat System. WHere we could im basically

  83. I kinda like the new channel beta but is cool anyway.

  84. maybe you should make it so there is a bunch of different channel designs to choose from... then you wouldnt be getting nasty comments saying the new channel design sucks... like facebook gets all the time... but i kinda like the new channel design.. but if different channel designs were available then that would be cool!!!

  85. The layout is horrible.

    Makes channels look bad.

    Very bad.

    Youtube, you're losing members.

    Stop this nonsense, or you will have none.

  86. "In order to recognize God and be able to approach His essence, learn spiritualism, no matter what religion or sect you belong to"

    (God) Himself is the Love, the Lover and the Beloved. If a servant of God receives a tiny fraction of it, he reaches the Religion of God. Then his worship is gazing at the beatific Vision of God is atonement for all obligatory religious practices of his life. Then the collective worship of all the Jinns, the Angels and human beings cannot reach His status. http://www.theallfaith.com

  87. not too bad


  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Is it possible to put some html/java to the new channels?

  90. can you make the wrapper color translucent? pls...

  91. it's very, very bad. It's not user friendly.

  92. Hi =)
    How to change my youtube account into a new one?
    I really want to have it!
    Tell me by sending email to me: boeychee@hotmail.com

    Add me in msn too! >.<

  93. does youtube approve of this? im just asking. i love the beta but i dont want to get in trouble for it.

  94. can you get the background to go transparent so i can see my image?

  95. can you make my chanel a beta plzzz

  96. i work hard on my backgrounds and i cant see it cuz the transparancy function is gone can u plz put it back???

  97. Ok I Love It but You Carnt Send A Instant Message :( Could You Add it Please ?

  98. hey youtube can youn make my channel look like theirs?

  99. hello. i just found your blog on youtube via erica joy bakers youtube page.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Why does some random playlist show up on my channel? (http://www.youtube.com/kylewebs) It's called "~!ty-ty!~" and I never even made that playlist. I only made one and it has none of those videos in it. Could you guys fix this?

    This blog is the only way to contact YouTube so plz help!

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. may i suggest that on the setting when customizing the colors... could you add the same features from the old one... for color or palette or whatev its called... i mean adjusting the transparency so the background image can be seen and then more colors to choose from... thanks and the beta is amazing

  104. hey can you watch my vids and help it get a lot of views

  105. YouTube should stop updating their stuff so much. I mean, it's fine the way it is. And...

    "We are currently performing site maitenance. Be cool - we'll be back 100% in a bit."

    You're never back in "a bit". It always takes forever! And it's usually for something pointless like changing the "style" of the star rating. Leave your stuff the way it is! PLEASE!

  106. I like the new channel, HOWEVER, it needs some improvements. Like, when I go to someones channel, the first thing I want to see is their name and description! Putting it lower than the featured video kinda makes it out of the way. If you could move the uploads and favorite sections lower, the channel name and description could be placed next to the featured video.

    I also noticed that when i go to edit something in my channel description, instead of leaving the box the size it would be (when changing it) it actually makes it smaller. This not only makes it harder to see what you're doing, but also makes it difficult to put things where they are supposed to be.

    This is a bit irrelevant to the new channel, but it would also be nice to get notifications when someone comments on your channel (like the way we are notified when someone comments on our videos).

  107. I think the new layout is superb. Not THAT much different from the old one. What I would LOVE to see is the player we can externally put on other websites as the header player in the Channel???? Its the most gorgeous thing..... but..... you dont do that. instead we have the players we have.Multiformatting high resolutions and wide screens should be able to see more than a Cigarette box of a page squinced in the middle would be good.... but for now, magnifying glasses are cool. :o)

  108. I also think the title and video first is an excelling idea. When I go to a Channel I go there to see their Works, not blurb on someone I dont know if I need bother about yet. When youre content hunting this is a time saver extreme.
    It would be great if the modules floated about like HTML Table Boxes, so that if we use WideScreens which are the common standard now on Computers, Flatscreen Wides, your Channel fits the window instead of scrolling off in the middle like a pencil all the way down. Wide SCreens give you C I N E M A.,,,, but not at the moment.
    Would that be good? ANyone agree? Screen formatting. So that your work and page content is at a size complimentary to your Monitor which cost you a fortune.
    ONE ISSUE... nitpic.... Tiling the BG image?
    Can we have it so that the top left upper corner sits tihgt in the top left upper corner of the screen.
    its a tiny point but it means we can control the content of our page if we wanted to add, say, our Channel name in fancy font on a BG image. The way it is now the image sort of floats and tiles but not as a start point in the upper left corner.
    Good work.

  109. "We are currently performing site maintenance. Be cool - we'll be back 100% in a bit."

    This will be your last site maitenance! I refuse to put up with anymore of your pointless and retarded updates. -_-

  110. nick can you udate my account plaese?

  111. Hi, i get a problem when viewing my youtube page with google chrome, when i load my channel using google chrome my buttons are fuzzy heres a pic to show what im seeing.


    this wasn't happening last week.

  112. thanks again great design

    how does one change the font size and type. noticed in the favorite samples above that the font size is smaller than my page, and uses times. my page has the font size too large and does not fit properly on the layout, as if the browser type has been enlarged, in fact, when reducing the type with the browser by one size from the Normal size, it fits perfectly...hmmmm.....what to do?

  113. i like it alot i just am haveing a problem with it i can't post links in the channel Description and its got me ticked please fix it thank you and have a nice day

  114. channel beta is confusing

  115. uhh wheres the details....and i cant see my backround anymore....help?

  116. but the new option of choosing pictures is cool

  117. "we're getting closer to a full release to all users"

    Does that mean all channels will become beta no matter what? I certainly hope not. I want to choose if I want beta or not.

  118. what happened to the full-screen option on the new beta?

  119. so today, my "see all" button won't show all. my subscribers number has jumped twice to 160 back to 60 something,,and my home page has a "subsciptions" button at top that i don't want there. that was kind of personal. is this a temporary problem? you've taken care of so many issues so quickly, thank you. i respond to my friends to say thank you,,though not today,,have a wonderful evening. brian www.youtube.com/inthecresents

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